It is becoming a bit of a cliche to say technology is changing business faster than ever, but it is hard to come to any other conclusion in our areas of expertise at Access IT Automation: application management and end-user computing (EUC).
For example, the way organisations manage application estates, especially during large-scale migration projects, is becoming more automated. In addition, improving EUC and optimising the digital employee experience (DEX) is moving up the priority list as organisations implement technology and digital transformation strategies.
We have also seen changes in both the application management and EUC parts of the technology sector throughout 2024. At the start of the year, for example, App Volumes was an EUC business unit in VMware while in the application management space, we were counting down the days to the App-V end-of-life date.
App Volumes is now owned by Omnissa and Microsoft has given App-V a reprieve. As these and other changes unfolded, Microsoft’s Azure market position has strengthened.
Steady and Reliable Support
Access IT Automation’s competitive position also strengthened as changes in the application management and EUC spaces unfolded. We developed new partnerships in 2024 with Liquit (now part of Recast Software), TLUX, and Liquidware, and we were active participants in several major industry events, including AppManagEvent in the Netherlands and multiple EUC Forum events throughout the year. We are now also a Platinum Sponsor of the EUC Forum, the leading community for end-user computing in the UK.
We also achieved a significant milestone being named in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Employee Experience Management Tools.
These achievements and initiatives took place as we continued to deliver automation and self-service solutions for our clients with deeper application management workflow integrations, Windows 365 migration support, and custom platform integrations to support our customers’ technology choices.
Looking Ahead to 2025
There will be changes in 2025 – with that prediction, there can be no doubt. In terms of specifics, we can see Microsoft’s Azure platform becoming increasingly dominant, while organisations across all sectors will enhance workflow automation to increase productivity, improve efficiency, and enhance quality and competitiveness.
With the Windows 10 end-of-life date rapidly approaching, we can also see an acceleration in Windows 365 and Windows 11 migrations, while traditional (and antiquated) approaches to supporting employees in their use of workplace technologies will be replaced by automated and self-service solutions.
And of course, AI (and technologies masquerading as AI) will become ever more present in the technology products that businesses rely on.
For us at Access IT Automation, we will continue to develop our products and APIs to meet our customers where they are rather than insisting on things being done our way.
Whatever about AI, this is the age of the API!
Our APIs, the flexibility of our products, and our continuous improvement approach mean we can support the application management choices of our clients as they move to modern application packaging formats. Plus, we are very excited about the potential of evergreen application updates and continuous testing, with both now a proven and achievable reality.
A Message of Support
I would like to close by thanking our customers for their continued support in addition to reaffirming our commitment to continue providing you with the highest levels of product quality and service delivery. I would also like to thank the Access IT Automation team, our partners, and other stakeholders for their support in 2024. I am looking forward to working with you again in the coming year and beyond.
And I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe, happy, and prosperous New Year.