Unlock the Power of Azure Marketplace with Access Capture and simplify your cloud software journey. As a trusted Microsoft partner, we’re committed to continuous updates, improvement, and top-tier security. Take a look at our latest blog to learn more about how Access Capture and Azure Marketplace work seamlessly together.

Access Capture Showcases Exceptional Performance Testing & Monitoring Capabilities

Is your application performance making your end-users less productive and costing you money? Recently, over a 24 hour period, our Access Symphony client was run from an Access Capture managed VM (Virtual Machine) with automated performance metrics captured. Access Capture showed exceptional automated performance testing results, which we believe, could be the answer to your…

Fixing Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Issues With Access Symphony

Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), a relatively new technology released in late 2019, has proven to be a vital solution for many enterprises. During the pandemic and subsequent stay-at-home orders, companies found themselves needing to provide their employees overnight with an in-office experience at their home. Powered by Azure, this cloud-based application virtualization service provides…