CIOs Must Follow A New Set Of Rules To Achieve Digital Transformation

As more organizations look to their CIO to lead the company’s Digital Transformation efforts, the traditional role continues to evolve to fill this growing responsibility. To get a clearer picture of what this shift will look like, Gartner recently surveyed over 3,160 CIOs from 98 countries representing approximately $13 trillion in revenue/public sector budgets and $277 billion…

The Future Of The Universal Windows Platform & Its Impact On Your App Management Strategy

Since the introduction of Windows-as-a-Service, Microsoft has been actively promoting a way to create universal applications that could leverage Windows 10 platform capabilities across all Windows devices: the Universal Windows Platform. But in the past months, more and more voices declared this common application platform dead, or at least close to extinction. Today, I want…

How To Proactively Prepare For The End-of-Life of Windows 7 (And The Birth of Evergreen IT)

Believe it or not, there are still more than 385 million devices in enterprise environments that are running on Windows 7  —  an operating system that has already lost its mainstream support on January 13, 2015 and will now finally get cut off from extended support on  January 14, 2020! While Windows 10 is estimated to catch up by November of this…